University Field Courses
Bridging the gap between academia & community
Academically rigorous lectures | Interactive discussions | Community-led workshops
Hands-on activities | Scenic high-altitude classrooms
Responsible travel that directly and positively impacts Mosqoy's partnering communities
If this sounds like your dream semester, then our university field courses are for you!
Here at Mosqoy, we believe in experiential education. Work with our Mosqoy Field School personnel to co-create a personalized curriculum that aligns with your university course's learning objectives.
Reciprocity: Academic & traditional knowledge
Homework assignments will include research and/or advocacy that enhance the students' long-term learning and career objectives, while also acting as "legacy projects," providing much-needed research for Mosqoy's charitable programs and our partnering communities. (The students' intellectual property will be credited in all future references.)
While some academic research is desired by community members to assist in various arenas, local traditional knowledge is uniquely powerful though often undervalued. During the field course, community members will act as experts and teachers to respectfully share elements of their traditional knowledge with students, as a means to deepen students' understanding of Quechua relationships with the land and Andean cultural realities.
All university field courses will be co-taught by the interested professor(s) and Ashli Akins, Mosqoy's founder and president, who is a PhD candidate specializing in international human rights, intangible cultural heritage, and community-based development, with over a decade of expertise in the Andean region. Assistants, translators, and guides will be employed as needed, based on the size and needs of the class, selected from our roster of qualified local community members and Mosqoy Youth Program graduates.
For more information on university field courses, please contact