Time flies right passed me and I don’t even get time to blink. These past couple of months as the AYP Fellow have gone by so quickly. I can hardly believe I have been here in Peru for more that three months. I have learned so many different things about Peru and Mosqoy through my work as the AYP Fellow – I have lost track of each and every single one of them! I have met and learned so much about those around me. I cannot help but be grateful for the many meaningful connections I have made thus far.

I have come to see the students and their stories as the hidden gems of this entire story, and my other team members – Alicia, Ana, and Cara – as an inspirational, rad group of ladies to whom I look up to with the utmost respect and admiration. During my time here, I have constantly found myself learning about the beauty of individual differences and the intricacy of human interactions just from spending time and working with them all. And the more time I spend with both the students and the other cool ladies, the more I begin to cherish our time together as one big family. There has not been a single day since I arrived when I do not think about the uniqueness of our everyday interactions and connections. And the more time I spend as part of the Mosqoy family, the more I begin to see the importance of being part of such family.
Written by Valentina Rodriguez